We provide comprehensive solutions that increase the value of our Clients through efficient management of assets, reduction of business and operational risks and supporting the build of efficient risk and cost of risk management systems.
We know how to choose proper insurance for business assets
We know how to choose proper property insurance
- Legal entities, organizational units that are not legal entities and individuals conducting business activities,
Range of insurance:
- Tangible business property: buildings, structures, owned and third-party’s working capital, equipment and machinery including electrical appliances and electronic equipment
- We can insure a wide variety of property risks both from all risks as well as FLEXA, including robbery and works transport.
- Beside covering property damage, the additional insurance covers the costs related to the fortuitous event itself: the cost of the rescue and protection against damage and clearing.
- Implementing additional conditions helps extend the range of the insurance to customized risks and costs.
- Securing the financial possibilities of restoring company’s assets and production capacity: restoring technical documentation, restoring buildings and structures, restoring machines to the state before the damage
- Gaining ability to hold a market and business partners
- Obtaining additional funds for rescuing and minimizing the damage, and cleaning the place of accident.
We know how to insure
civil liability
We know how to insure civil liability
- Legal entities, organizational units that are not legal entities and individuals conducting business activities on the field of production and service,
Range of insurance:
- Tort and indemnity due to conducted business and property owned, including those causing environmental damage, by the product to third parties
- Professional liability acts or omissions
- Protecting and defending the company against unjustified and overstated compensation claims from third parties,
- The ability to satisfy justified claims of third parties
We know how to choose the best solutions for Your company’s fleet vehicles
We know how to choose the best solutions for Your fleet
- companies possessing or using vehicles regardless of their number
Range of insurance:
- motor vehicle liability insurance (OC),
- motor hull insurance (AC)
- motor vehicle accident insurance,
- car assistance insurance,
- legal expense insurance
- windscreen cover.
- simplification of procedures related to concluding insurance and claim adjusting agreements,
- obtaining fixed — attractive insurance rates valid for the whole duration of the contract fleet, independent of changes in tariffs of the insurer or the current level of claims,
- applying different variants of reparation that allow payment based on invoice after repair or the insurer’s cost estimate,
- the possibility of lowering the damage due to preventive actions, eg. driver’s training, introducing own contribution in case of damage, verification of car policy.
We know how to choose the shipping insurance based on the type of business
We know how to choose the shipping insurance based on the type of business
- Entrepreneurs — producers and traders, including exporters and importers that convey and send different kinds of goods and hence are exposed to damages that can occur during the shipping.
- The insurance agreements are concluded with individuals conducting business activities, legal entities and organizational units that are not legal entities,
Range of insurance:
- Any type of cargo, especially goods, stock, intermediate goods, finished products which are the subject of trade
- Property transported by any means of transportation inside Poland and abroad
- It includes every phase of transport with the necessary transshipment activities and interim storage of property en route
- The period for loading or unloading can also be included
- It also covers the cost of means to rescue property used by the insurer or insured
- Preventing or limiting damage
- The costs of cleaning after the damage, including utilization of the insured property
- Widely understood investment-related property
- Compensation of losses related to the occurrence of the damage,
- Protection against limited or excluded liability of shippers and carriers
- Expert support during the investment project of the transported property
We know how to life insure Your employees
We know how to life insure Your employees
- employers hiring up to 3 employees
Range of insurance:
- life and health protection in case of unexpected fortuitous event for Employee as well as their Spouses, Partners and Adult Children
- using definitely better insurance conditions than in case of individual products,
- insuring the financial needs of the family in case of misfortune (death, accident, sudden illness),
- a wide variety of offers, a wide range of insurance
- the feeling of responsibility when insuring the Family
We know how to choose group health insurance
We know how to choose group health insurance
- employers hiring up to 3 employees
Range of insurance:
- Employees’ health
- The best doctors, the best treatment in the best institutions,
- The availability of medical specialist in record time,
- Round-the-clock home visits,
- All services available under one phone number,
- The feeling of safety due to medical care.
We know how to build group pension insurance
We know how to build group pension insurance
- employers
Range of insurance:
- building capital needed for future retirement
Benefits for employees:
- the feeling of financial safety in time of changes in the pension system,
- profit from investments free of income tax on individuals,
- the frequency of saving allows to gather high capital,
- the feeling of financial safety on retirement,
- employer’s financial contribution
Benefits for employers from financing group insurance:
- modern instruments of social and personnel policy,
- strong argument during the search for specialists,
- raising the Company’s prestige in the business, among contrahents and on market,
- building bonds and co-responsibility for the financial future of the employer and employees,
- employer’s financial contributions are the cost of receiving the income,
- exempting the employer from paying the death benefit in case of paying the sum of the insurance at least to its amount,
- the increase of satisfaction and loyalty of employees.
We know how to insure the liability of the Members of Executive Organs in Joint-stock Companies
We know how to insure liability of the management board
- Previous, current and future members of the management board, board of directors, proxies and employees serving specialized managerial functions in the insured company (so-called the insured)
- The insured joint stock company and
- Other insured persons i.e. spouses, successors, cohabitants/partners, executors of the will, legal representatives of the insured persons mentioned above, in connection with the irregular conduct committed by the person insured.
Range of insurance:
- Insured’s liability for damage caused due to performing their duties (in most cases it will be the fault of the insured), for which the insured will be responsible according to common law, the company’s agreement or the status and regulations of the joint stock company, if the responsibility does not extend beyond statutory liability
- Covering the costs of legal defense against unjustified claims
- Protecting the good name of the insured
- Protecting the property of the insured, as well as individuals appointed to perform duties in their company, family and successors, and the joint stock company itself
- Protecting the additional costs related to extradition, protection of private property, the cost of deposits and guarantees, employees’ claims,
- Covering administrative and civic legal fines and penalties
We know how to insure loss of gross profit in Your company or investment
We know how to insure loss of profit
- Legal entities, organizational units that are not legal entities and individuals conducting business activities on the field of production, trade and investments
- Those who record books of account under the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994 (Dz. U., No. 76, unit 694 — uniform text as amended from 2002) and the existing regulatory provisions in this regard.
Range of insurance:
- Recompensation of future profit loss due to damage of the insured’s property
- Covering fixed costs due to loss of productive capacities including maintaining employment
- Covering the raised costs of moving the business in order to avoid or minimize decrease of turnover
- Concluded on the base of a property insurance — property, machinery breakdown, electronic devices, interruptions/delays in launching production related to the construction and assembly risks.
- Protection of expected future profits of the company
- Financial support during recovery of production capacities,
- Holding the market and business partners
- Maintaining employment, including key employees
We know how to insure Your receivables with deferred payment day
We know how to insure Your receivables with deferred payment day
- Legal entities, organizational units that are not legal entities and individuals conducting business activities on the field of production, trade and investments who
- Delay payment day for products supplied products and goods and national and export services
Range of insurance:
- Legally established or actual insolvency of a counterparty,
- Chronic delays in the realization of receivables,
- Market risks in the country and in export
- Political risks in countries with a high risk of war, revolution, political or social instability, caused by force majeure.
- Verify the credibility of commercial counterparties in Poland and abroad
- Reducing operating costs and improving liquidity by reducing and transferring the risk to the insurer
- Smaller load on the profit and loss account of the company (no need for the establishment of reserves and their reduction)
- Ability to expand sales
- Increasing competitiveness
Specialized insurance
We know how to insure aviation risk
We know how to insure aviation risk
- entities, people possessing or using aircrafts
Range of insurance:
- civil liability towards third parties and passengers, aircraft casco insurance, liability for passengers’ luggages, liability for cargo, accident insurance of aircraft crew
- we help our Clients cope with the financial aspects of damage they suffered by using efficient policy records. It also applies to events caused by military action or terrorism-related risk.
We know how to insure
We know how to insure art
- entities, individuals possessing art or exhibitors
Range of insurance:
- all risks of losing or damaging in the place of insurance in private collections. This offer of insuring exhibits is directed towards museums, galleries and covers all risks on conditions called “nail to nail”. It means that the range of an insurance includes the risks of exhibited art being both during the exhibit as well as transported to the exhibition and back and the packaging process.
- we help our Clients cope with the financial aspects of the damage they suffered
We know how to insure cyber risk
We know how to insure cyber risk
- any company that collects, process or send any type of data
Subject of insurance:
- viruses, hacker attacks, access denied, data theft by third parties, data theft by employees, operational errors, loss of profit, device theft
Range of insurance:
- the costs of legal defense and Recompensation in case of loss of personal data, uncovering trade information, making use of services of subtracters and network security,
- costs corresponding to administrative penalty,
- fees: for legal services, computer forensics and PR specialists.
- preventing long-term consequence of data leakage and the effects of cyber attacks,
- access to professionals, prompt corrective actions.
We know how to take out kidnap and ransom insurance
Wiemy jak zawrzeć ubezpieczenie od porwań i okupu (kidnap & ransom)
- management and company employees, as well as their family members in case of kidnapping, abduction, extortion or arrest
Range of insurance:
- ransom refund, consultants remuneration – experts in crisis management (eg. negotiator, PR consultant, the value of the prize for the informant), crisis prevention consulting
- professional prevention support as well as during the crisis that threatens the life and health of the insured