Starogard Gdański,

ul. Osiedle 800 Lecia Starogardu 14/U5

+48 58 563 36 00

Accident insurance for children and young people

Dear Employer

Last year, due to unprecedented and wide-scale information provided by the media, official position of the Ministry of National Education and recommendations of Chief Education Officers directed to Heads of education institutions, another myth arose concerning the insurance market: that education institutions offered “compulsory insurance against unfortunate accidents for children and the youth” to Parents unconditionally.

Never has such insurance been obligatory as a matter of the statutory law nor have there ever been any legal regulations imposing on the Parents the duty to take out such insurance coverage in education institutions.

Making an effort to meet the Parents’ wishes in terms of securing possible needs for financing the recovery of their children after sudden and unforeseen accidents, we are happy to present to you

A dedicated group programme for insurance against unfortunate accidents for children
and the youth of your Employees…

The above insurance programme is a result of a many-month work of many specialist in personal insurance and unfortunate accidents. The programme is dedicated to the Employers who wish to provide their employees with professional assistance in the form of a cost-effective and scope-optimal insurance against unfortunate accidents for their children and the youth of up to 25 years of age.

Insurance premium for as little as PLN 5…

Keeping in mind the interest of the Children and financial position of the Employees, we have prepared an insurance program with the optimal scope of coverage for a several-zloty monthly premium deducted from the employee’s pay.

Decide on a better future of your Employee and their children…

Deciding to introduce our solution in your Company, you give your Employees an opportunity to insure their Children on very convenient terms as regards finance and scope, which terms very much differ from the typical ones in the market.

Learn more about our offer of group insurance against unfortunate accidents for children and the youth of your Employees and decide to implement it in your environment.

Should you have any questions or doubts, please contact us. We are also there for you to prepare and implement the group insurance policy against unfortunate accidents starting with the first day of school, i.e. 1 September 2016.

We will be happy to answer your questions and allay your doubts should you have any.


Ireneusz Majkowski

President of the Management Board



The insurance is available for children and young people under 18 years of age, and for students under 25 years of age.

In order to register your child for this insurance, fill in the form (enclosed with the leaflet) and return it to the HR Department.

You can register your child for accident insurance in any calendar month.

  1. . The programme is operated by InterRisk TU S.A. Vienna Insurance Group, one of the leading insurance companies offering accident insurance for children and young people at educational institutions and universities in Poland.
  2. This offer is subject to the general terms and conditions of EDU PLUS insurance, approved with resolution No 01/29/03/2016 of the Management Board of InterRisk TU S.A. Vienna Insurance Group on 29.03.2016, available at:
  3. This is group insurance under an insurance agreement; the employer is the policyholder, and the persons insured are the employees’ children.
  4. The insurance cover includes consequences of accidents and illnesses.
  5. The insurance is valid 24/7 and protects children at educational institutions and in their time off, in Poland and abroad, exclusive of assistance incidents and the costs of medical treatment.
  6. The monthly insurance premiums are deducted from the employee’s salary, in the full amount for each insured child.
  7. The insurance cover is provided from the first day of the calendar month for which the first premium is paid.
  8. The insurance covers competitive sports

    competitive sport practicing

    competitive sport practicing – form of physical activity taken to achieve maximum sport results by way of individual or collective competition, consisting in the Insured practicing sports in the following manner:
    1. by participation in trainings, competitions, training camps or stamina camps organised by out-of-school sport clubs, associations and organisations,
    2. by participation in trainings, competitions, training camps or stamina camps organised by school (student’s) sport clubs,
    3. by participation in physical education class held as part of the mandatory curriculum in schools/classes specialising in sports.

    , except for sports described in the GTC as high-risk sports (§2(43)).

    high-risk sports

    high-risk sports – bouldering, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, alpinism, Himalaya climbing, ski mountaineering, trekking, extreme skiing, freestyle, freeride, high-mountain snowboarding, speed snowboarding, ski and snowboard jumps and tricks, rafting, canyoning, hydrospeed, white-water canoeing, gliding, parachuting, hang-gliding, paragliding, ultralight trike operation, hot-air ballooning, plane or helicopter piloting, zorbing, bungee jumping, snorkelling, parkour, free run, kite buggying, windsurfing, quads, kitesurfing, sailing beyond territorial waters – more than 12 nautical miles off the shore, extreme cycling, mountain biking, speleology, bobsleighs, tobogganing, motor sports, land, water or air vehicle races, heliskiing, heliboarding, freefall, downhill, b.a.s.e. jumping, dream jumping and off-track skiing and snowboarding, water skiing and skeleton, ice hockey, figure skating, short track, speed skating, iceboating, biathlon and skibob sports where snow scooters intended for snow or ice are used.
  9. In case of termination of the employee’s employment, commencement of the employee’s unpaid leave, or the employee’s loss of rights, the employee may request that the insurance cover for their child be continued subject to payment of the total amount of premiums due until the expiry of the accident insurance agreement.


variant 1 variant 2
Scope of insurance — Basic Option and Additional Options cumulated amount of benefits in PLN
Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident at an educational institution

Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident at an educational institution

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke, except for insurance against death of a parent of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident.

educational institution – nursery or child club, within the meaning of law on child care up to age 3, and a kindergarten, school, educational institution, continuing education institution, practical education institution, artistic institution, within the meaning of education system Act.

The company pays benefit in the death of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident which occurred at school and which resulted in the death of the Insured provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred at school and in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within six months from the date of the unfortunate accident,
  3. the occurrence of the unfortunate accident was documented with a certificate issued by the head of the educational institution.

30 000 52 500
Death of the Insured Person as a result of a traffic accident

Death of the Insured Person as a result of a traffic accident

traffic accident – a sudden event caused by a movement of a vehicle,* which results in the Insured – being a vehicle passenger, pedestrian or a vehicle driver – sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. The Company pays benefit provided that a traffic accident related to a movement of a vehicle* occurred in the term of insurance coverage and that the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

For the purposes of the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and for exclusive purpose of the insurance against the death of the Insured as a result of a traffic accident, a vehicle is understood only as: a passenger car, a lorry, a bus, a train, a tram, a trolleybus, the underground.

*movement of a vehicle – a situation where a vehicle moves driven by the operation of engine or by the inertial force.

30 000 52 500
Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident 

Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke, except for insurance against death of a parent of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident. The company pays benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

20 000 35 000
Death of the Insured as a result of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke

Death of the Insured as a result of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke

myocardial infarction – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I21-I22;

cerebral stroke – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I60-I64.

The company pays benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

20 000 35 000
Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an accident, a cardiac failure, or a stroke – for each 1% of permanent damage to health 

Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an accident, a cardiac failure, or a stroke

health damage – deterioration of body function resulting from an unfortunate accident, which is a permanent damage of a given organ or system which does not show room for improvement according to the current medical knowledge.

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke:

  • myocardial infarction – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I21-I22;
  • cerebral stroke – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I60-I6.

The company pays benefit in the case of health damage as a result of an unfortunate accident:

  1. in the case of 100% health damage – benefit in the amount of 100% of the sum insured defined in the insurance agreement,
  2. in the case of less than 100% health damage – benefit in the amount of such percentage of the sum insured in which the health damage occurred,
    defined by a *physician of trust;

*physician of trust – physician or dentist with whom InterRisk concluded an agreement of cooperation in terms of evaluation of health condition and employed treatment. The physician of trust who is a close acquaintance of the Insured cannot assess the health condition and employed treatment for the purposes of the insurance agreement.

200 350
Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an epileptic seizure (one-time payment)

Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an epileptic seizure

epilepsy – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code G40-G40.9.

The company pays a one-time benefit provided that epilepsy was diagnosed in the term of insurance coverage.


200 350
Costs of the purchase of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids

Costs of the purchase of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids

medical devices – only those medical devices that are orthopaedic items as listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 29 August 2009 on guaranteed benefits in terms of supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids.

aids – only those aids that are listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 29 August 2009 on guaranteed benefits in terms of supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids.

The company reimburses documented costs provided that:

  1. they are indispensable from a medical point of view and documented with a copy of medical order for supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids,
  2. they were incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.


up to 6 000 up to 10 500
Death of a parent of the Insured Person as a result of an accident 

Death of a parent of the Insured Person as a result of an accident

parent of the Insured – father or mother of the Insured as per the provisions of the Family and Guardianship Code. The company pays a single benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within 12 months from the date of the unfortunate accident;

The scope of liability excludes the risk of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke according to the definition of the unfortunate accident.


2 000 3 500
Burns or frostbite suffered by the Insured Person as a result of an accident

Burns or frostbite suffered by the Insured Person as a result of an accident

burn – skin damage effected by heat, caustic chemicals (solids, liquids or gases), electric current, sunlight – UV, radiation (X-ray, UV and other radioactive factors) and high temperature. The degree of burn is determined by a physician conducting treatment, according to the “principle of tens” or the Lund and Browder chart.

frostbite – skin damage as a result of low temperature. The degree of frostbite is determined by a physician conducting treatment.


4th degree – PLN 1,000,

3rd degree – PLN 600

2nd degree – PLN 200

Hospital daily allowance for the Insured Person (payable from the 3rd day of stay)

Hospital daily allowance for the Insured Person

hospital stay – stay in a hospital department for recovery or improvement of health of the Insured due to an unfortunate accident or a disease, lasting at least three days. If the Insured is discharged after the term of insurance coverage lapses, the hospital stay is covered by the liability of the Insurer provided that the Insured was admitted to hospital during the term of insurance coverage.

hospital stay day – stay in a hospital department lasting at least 24 hours (except for the admission date and the discharge date) for recovery or improvement of health of the Insured, resulting from an unfortunate accident or a disease. The admission date and the discharge date of the Insured are counted as full hospital stay days for the purposes of benefit payment.


minimum 3 days of hospitalisation
hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 3rd to the 10th day of hospital stay, which is the consequence of an unfortunate accident, which took place during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against unfortunate accident.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same unfortunate accident, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of an unfortunate accident entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 11th day of hospital stay, which is the consequence of an unfortunate accident, which took place during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against unfortunate accident.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same unfortunate accident, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of an unfortunate accident entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 3rd to the 10th day of hospital stay, related to disease, which was diagnosed during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against disease.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same disease, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of a disease entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 11th day of hospital stay, related to disease, which was diagnosed during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against disease.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same disease, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of a disease entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


Serious illness of the Insured Person (list of 12 conditions): 

Serious illness of the Insured Person (list of 12 conditions)

The company pays benefit provided the Insured developed and was diagnosed with a severe disease during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against severe diseases in terms of 12 conditions presented in table.


  1. malignant neoplasm,

    malignant neoplasm

    malignant neoplasm – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: C00-C97, except for non-invasive neoplasms (carcinoma in situ).

  2. paralysis,


    paralysis – complete, irreversible loss of motor function of at least two limbs; disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G81 – G.83.0.

  3. kidney failure,

    kidney failure

    kidney failure – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: N17-N18.9.

  4. major organ transplantation,

    major organ transplantation

    major organ transplantation – undergoing a procedure of the transplantation of heart, heart and lungs, liver or its part, kidney or bone marrow as a recipient.

  5. poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease),

    poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease)

    poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease) – poliovirus-induced infection resulting in paralysis of respiratory muscles or limb muscles or in affecting a respiratory centre in the brainstem with permanent consequence of intensified paresis or paralysis. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in children’s diseases or infectious diseases.

  6. speech loss,

    speech loss

    speech loss – total and irreversible loss of the ability to speak diagnosed by a specialist, which entails inability to articulate intelligible words or intelligible speech and lasts continuously for at least 6 months.

  7. hearing loss,

    hearing loss

    hearing loss – total and irreversible loss of hearing of all sounds as a result of a disease or an unfortunate accident, diagnosed by a laryngologist. Medical documentation must be confirmed with a proper consultation of a specialist in laryngology.

  8. vision loss,

    vision loss

    vision loss – total, permanent and irreversible loss of vision in both eyes (VO=0, with no sensation of light or with sensation of light without location) diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, which is a result of a disease or an unfortunate accident, provided that the permanence of the disease is determined at least 6 months from the date of its occurrence.

  9. aplastic anaemia,

    aplastic anaemia

    aplastic anaemia – bone marrow failure diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: D60-D61.

  10. multiple sclerosis,

    multiple sclerosis

    multiple sclerosis – disease characterised by demyelination of nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord, diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G35.

  11. sepsis,


    sepsis – systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) induced by infection, diagnosed by a specialist.

  12. meningitis.


    meningitis – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G00-G03.

2 000
Diagnosis of a congenital heart defect in the Insured Person

Diagnosis of a congenital heart defect in the Insured Person

congenital heart defect – anatomical irregularity qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health problems ICD-10 as congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (ICD code: Q00-Q99).

The company pays benefit provided that congenital heart defect was diagnosed in the term of insurance coverage.

Reimbursement of the costs of treatment as a result of an accident
(on the basis of invoices provided)

Zwrot kosztów leczenia poniesionych w wyniku nieszczęśliwego wypadku

– Treatment costs – costs incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland, indispensable from a medical point of view and documented for:

  1. medical visits,
  2. outpatient procedures,
  3. examinations ordered by the physician conducting treatment,
  4. hospital stay,
  5. surgeries, except for plastic surgeries,
  6. purchase of wound dressings prescribed by a physician,
  7. purchase of drugs.

The company reimburses documented costs provided that the costs:

  1. resulted from an unfortunate accident which occurred during the term of insurance coverage,
  2. were incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland during the term of insurance coverage.


Reimbursement of the costs of rehabilitation – specialist treatment and procedures ordered by a medical practitioner and performed by persons authorised to provide such services, i.e. kinesiotherapy, physical therapy, medical massage, aimed at treating or reducing organ dysfunction, and at restoring full or possible physical fitness lost as a result of an accident (on the basis of invoices provided).

Reimbursement of the costs of rehabilitation

rehabilitation – procedures ordered by the physician conducting specialist treatment, which are provided by persons qualified for the performance of those, implemented with the method of kinesiotherapy, physical therapy or therapeutic massage and which aim to treat or reduce dysfunctions of organs to recover full or the best possible physical fitness lost as a result of an unfortunate accident.
up to 1,000
Reimbursement of the costs of purchase of medicines after at least 3 days of hospitalisation
(on the basis of invoices provided)

Reimbursement of the costs of purchase of medicines

The company reimburses documented purchase costs of drugs prescribed by a physician as a result of an unfortunate accident in the amount of up to PLN 100.00 provided that:

  1. the Insured stayed in hospital at least three days in a row as a result of the unfortunate accident,
  2. drugs were prescribed by the physician in the discharge summary.

up to 100
ASSISTANCE — insurance sum PLN 5,000

ASSISTANCE — insurance sum PLN 5,000

InterRisk covers costs of assistance services in the amount of up to PLN 5,000. Assistance services include only those events which occurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Tutoring – if the insured child sustained an accident included in the insurance cover, as a result of which the child cannot participate in classes for a continuous period of at least 7 days, documented by a medical certificate, the Insurer through the Assistance Centre, shall organise and cover the cost of tutoring in the subjects chosen by the Child from the school’s curriculum, for the maximum of 10 teaching hours, for one accident

Medical assistance:

  • a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor,

    a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor

    a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the travelling costs of an Assistance Centre physician and their fee for the first visit in the place of stay of the Insured.
  • arrangement of an appointment with a specialist,

    arrangement of an appointment with a specialist

    arrangement of an appointment with a specialist – if the health condition of the Insured and type of medical assistance needed require the organisation of a visit of a specialist, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise such a visit within the time specified by the Insured.
  • a visit of a nurse,

    a visit of a nurse

    a visit of a nurse – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre and upon request of an Assistance Centre physician – will organise and cover the travelling costs of a nurse and her fee for a visit in the place of stay of the Insured. InterRisk.
  • provision of medicines,

    provision of medicines

    provision of medicines – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage and as a result of which, according to the indications of an Assistance Centre physician, they require treatment, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the costs of transport of drugs prescribed by the Assistance Centre physician. The costs of the drugs will be covered by the Insured.
  • home care after hospitalisation (at least 7 days of hospitalisation),

    home care after hospitalisation

    home care after hospitalisation – if the Insured suffered an unfortunate accident as a result of which they stayed in hospital for at least 7 days, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre and upon request of the physician conducting treatment – will organise and cover the costs of home care after hospital stay, which cannot exceed 96 hours in total, up to the amount of the insured sum.
    The service of home care involves:

    1. doing basic grocery and home-appliance shopping – costs of shopping done upon the request of the Insured are covered by the Insured,
    2. preparation of meals – with products, means and equipment provided by the Insured,
    3. aid in keeping home clean: cleaning floors, carpets and floorings, wiping dust off, taking out rubbish, doing the dishes, cleaning working surface in the kitchen (tops, hotplate and the sink), cleaning the bathroom; watering plants at home and in the garden – with agents and equipment provided by the Insured.

  • medical transport,

    medical transport

    medical transport – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the costs of transporting the Insured from their place of stay to a health care unit.
  • medical helpline

    medical helpline

    medical helpline – InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will guarantee the Insured the possibility to consult an Assistance Centre physician, who will provide the Insured with oral information on further management. The information provided by the Assistance Centre physician are not diagnostic in nature. Moreover, the Insured will acquire the following by the agency of Assistance Centre:

    1. medical information on a given disease, employed treatment and modern treatments in the area of the effective Polish provisions of the law,
    2. information on follow-up examinations for age groups with increased risk of developing a disease,
    3. information on drugs (use, counterparts, side effects, interactions with other drugs, possibility to administer in pregnancy and lactation) in the area of the effective Polish provisions of the law.



Name and Surname*

Email address*





Majkowski Brokers Sp. zo.o.
Os. 800-lecia Starogardu 14/5
83-200 Starogard Gdański


Dorota Majkowska
mobile: 697 333 962
phone: 58 56 201 72

Natalia Gerigk
mobile: 531 370 300
phone: 58 56 201 22



  • Download application form: HERE

  • Fill in and print application form

  • Signed form assemble in the Human Resources Department


Dorota Majkowska
mobile: 697 333 962
phone: 58 56 201 72

Natalia Gerigk
mobile: 531 370 300
phone: 58 56 201 22

+ Introduction
Dear Employer

Last year, due to unprecedented and wide-scale information provided by the media, official position of the Ministry of National Education and recommendations of Chief Education Officers directed to Heads of education institutions, another myth arose concerning the insurance market: that education institutions offered “compulsory insurance against unfortunate accidents for children and the youth” to Parents unconditionally.

Never has such insurance been obligatory as a matter of the statutory law nor have there ever been any legal regulations imposing on the Parents the duty to take out such insurance coverage in education institutions.

Making an effort to meet the Parents’ wishes in terms of securing possible needs for financing the recovery of their children after sudden and unforeseen accidents, we are happy to present to you

A dedicated group programme for insurance against unfortunate accidents for children
and the youth of your Employees…

The above insurance programme is a result of a many-month work of many specialist in personal insurance and unfortunate accidents. The programme is dedicated to the Employers who wish to provide their employees with professional assistance in the form of a cost-effective and scope-optimal insurance against unfortunate accidents for their children and the youth of up to 25 years of age.

Insurance premium for as little as PLN 5…

Keeping in mind the interest of the Children and financial position of the Employees, we have prepared an insurance program with the optimal scope of coverage for a several-zloty monthly premium deducted from the employee’s pay.

Decide on a better future of your Employee and their children…

Deciding to introduce our solution in your Company, you give your Employees an opportunity to insure their Children on very convenient terms as regards finance and scope, which terms very much differ from the typical ones in the market.

Learn more about our offer of group insurance against unfortunate accidents for children and the youth of your Employees and decide to implement it in your environment.

Should you have any questions or doubts, please contact us. We are also there for you to prepare and implement the group insurance policy against unfortunate accidents starting with the first day of school, i.e. 1 September 2016.

We will be happy to answer your questions and allay your doubts should you have any.


Ireneusz Majkowski

President of the Management Board


+ Basic information


The insurance is available for children and young people under 18 years of age, and for students under 25 years of age.

In order to register your child for this insurance, fill in the form (enclosed with the leaflet) and return it to the HR Department.

You can register your child for accident insurance in any calendar month.

  1. . The programme is operated by InterRisk TU S.A. Vienna Insurance Group, one of the leading insurance companies offering accident insurance for children and young people at educational institutions and universities in Poland.
  2. This offer is subject to the general terms and conditions of EDU PLUS insurance, approved with resolution No 01/29/03/2016 of the Management Board of InterRisk TU S.A. Vienna Insurance Group on 29.03.2016, available at:
  3. This is group insurance under an insurance agreement; the employer is the policyholder, and the persons insured are the employees’ children.
  4. The insurance cover includes consequences of accidents and illnesses.
  5. The insurance is valid 24/7 and protects children at educational institutions and in their time off, in Poland and abroad, exclusive of assistance incidents and the costs of medical treatment.
  6. The monthly insurance premiums are deducted from the employee’s salary, in the full amount for each insured child.
  7. The insurance cover is provided from the first day of the calendar month for which the first premium is paid.
  8. The insurance covers competitive sports

    competitive sport practicing

    competitive sport practicing – form of physical activity taken to achieve maximum sport results by way of individual or collective competition, consisting in the Insured practicing sports in the following manner:
    1. by participation in trainings, competitions, training camps or stamina camps organised by out-of-school sport clubs, associations and organisations,
    2. by participation in trainings, competitions, training camps or stamina camps organised by school (student’s) sport clubs,
    3. by participation in physical education class held as part of the mandatory curriculum in schools/classes specialising in sports.

    , except for sports described in the GTC as high-risk sports (§2(43)).

    high-risk sports

    high-risk sports – bouldering, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, alpinism, Himalaya climbing, ski mountaineering, trekking, extreme skiing, freestyle, freeride, high-mountain snowboarding, speed snowboarding, ski and snowboard jumps and tricks, rafting, canyoning, hydrospeed, white-water canoeing, gliding, parachuting, hang-gliding, paragliding, ultralight trike operation, hot-air ballooning, plane or helicopter piloting, zorbing, bungee jumping, snorkelling, parkour, free run, kite buggying, windsurfing, quads, kitesurfing, sailing beyond territorial waters – more than 12 nautical miles off the shore, extreme cycling, mountain biking, speleology, bobsleighs, tobogganing, motor sports, land, water or air vehicle races, heliskiing, heliboarding, freefall, downhill, b.a.s.e. jumping, dream jumping and off-track skiing and snowboarding, water skiing and skeleton, ice hockey, figure skating, short track, speed skating, iceboating, biathlon and skibob sports where snow scooters intended for snow or ice are used.
  9. In case of termination of the employee’s employment, commencement of the employee’s unpaid leave, or the employee’s loss of rights, the employee may request that the insurance cover for their child be continued subject to payment of the total amount of premiums due until the expiry of the accident insurance agreement.
+ Scope of insurance


variant 1 variant 2
Scope of insurance — Basic Option and Additional Options cumulated amount of benefits in PLN
Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident at an educational institution

Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident at an educational institution

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke, except for insurance against death of a parent of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident.

educational institution – nursery or child club, within the meaning of law on child care up to age 3, and a kindergarten, school, educational institution, continuing education institution, practical education institution, artistic institution, within the meaning of education system Act.

The company pays benefit in the death of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident which occurred at school and which resulted in the death of the Insured provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred at school and in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within six months from the date of the unfortunate accident,
  3. the occurrence of the unfortunate accident was documented with a certificate issued by the head of the educational institution.

30 000 52 500
Death of the Insured Person as a result of a traffic accident

Death of the Insured Person as a result of a traffic accident

traffic accident – a sudden event caused by a movement of a vehicle,* which results in the Insured – being a vehicle passenger, pedestrian or a vehicle driver – sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. The Company pays benefit provided that a traffic accident related to a movement of a vehicle* occurred in the term of insurance coverage and that the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

For the purposes of the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and for exclusive purpose of the insurance against the death of the Insured as a result of a traffic accident, a vehicle is understood only as: a passenger car, a lorry, a bus, a train, a tram, a trolleybus, the underground.

*movement of a vehicle – a situation where a vehicle moves driven by the operation of engine or by the inertial force.

30 000 52 500
Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident 

Death of the Insured Person as a result of an accident

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke, except for insurance against death of a parent of the Insured as a result of an unfortunate accident. The company pays benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

20 000 35 000
Death of the Insured as a result of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke

Death of the Insured as a result of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke

myocardial infarction – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I21-I22;

cerebral stroke – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I60-I64.

The company pays benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.

20 000 35 000
Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an accident, a cardiac failure, or a stroke – for each 1% of permanent damage to health 

Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an accident, a cardiac failure, or a stroke

health damage – deterioration of body function resulting from an unfortunate accident, which is a permanent damage of a given organ or system which does not show room for improvement according to the current medical knowledge.

unfortunate accident – a sudden event occurring in the term of insurance coverage resulting from an external cause, which results in the Insured sustaining body injury or deterioration of health or dying regardless of their will. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTCI), an unfortunate accident is also myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke:

  • myocardial infarction – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I21-I22;
  • cerebral stroke – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: I60-I6.

The company pays benefit in the case of health damage as a result of an unfortunate accident:

  1. in the case of 100% health damage – benefit in the amount of 100% of the sum insured defined in the insurance agreement,
  2. in the case of less than 100% health damage – benefit in the amount of such percentage of the sum insured in which the health damage occurred,
    defined by a *physician of trust;

*physician of trust – physician or dentist with whom InterRisk concluded an agreement of cooperation in terms of evaluation of health condition and employed treatment. The physician of trust who is a close acquaintance of the Insured cannot assess the health condition and employed treatment for the purposes of the insurance agreement.

200 350
Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an epileptic seizure (one-time payment)

Damage to health of the Insured Person as a result of an epileptic seizure

epilepsy – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code G40-G40.9.

The company pays a one-time benefit provided that epilepsy was diagnosed in the term of insurance coverage.


200 350
Costs of the purchase of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids

Costs of the purchase of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids

medical devices – only those medical devices that are orthopaedic items as listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 29 August 2009 on guaranteed benefits in terms of supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids.

aids – only those aids that are listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 29 August 2009 on guaranteed benefits in terms of supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids.

The company reimburses documented costs provided that:

  1. they are indispensable from a medical point of view and documented with a copy of medical order for supply of medical devices being orthopaedic items and aids,
  2. they were incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland within two years from the date of the unfortunate accident.


up to 6 000 up to 10 500
Death of a parent of the Insured Person as a result of an accident 

Death of a parent of the Insured Person as a result of an accident

parent of the Insured – father or mother of the Insured as per the provisions of the Family and Guardianship Code. The company pays a single benefit provided that:

  1. the unfortunate accident occurred in the term of insurance coverage,
  2. the death occurred within 12 months from the date of the unfortunate accident;

The scope of liability excludes the risk of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke according to the definition of the unfortunate accident.


2 000 3 500
Burns or frostbite suffered by the Insured Person as a result of an accident

Burns or frostbite suffered by the Insured Person as a result of an accident

burn – skin damage effected by heat, caustic chemicals (solids, liquids or gases), electric current, sunlight – UV, radiation (X-ray, UV and other radioactive factors) and high temperature. The degree of burn is determined by a physician conducting treatment, according to the “principle of tens” or the Lund and Browder chart.

frostbite – skin damage as a result of low temperature. The degree of frostbite is determined by a physician conducting treatment.


4th degree – PLN 1,000,

3rd degree – PLN 600

2nd degree – PLN 200

Hospital daily allowance for the Insured Person (payable from the 3rd day of stay)

Hospital daily allowance for the Insured Person

hospital stay – stay in a hospital department for recovery or improvement of health of the Insured due to an unfortunate accident or a disease, lasting at least three days. If the Insured is discharged after the term of insurance coverage lapses, the hospital stay is covered by the liability of the Insurer provided that the Insured was admitted to hospital during the term of insurance coverage.

hospital stay day – stay in a hospital department lasting at least 24 hours (except for the admission date and the discharge date) for recovery or improvement of health of the Insured, resulting from an unfortunate accident or a disease. The admission date and the discharge date of the Insured are counted as full hospital stay days for the purposes of benefit payment.


minimum 3 days of hospitalisation
hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 3rd to the 10th day of hospital stay, which is the consequence of an unfortunate accident, which took place during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against unfortunate accident.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same unfortunate accident, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of an unfortunate accident entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of an accident (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 11th day of hospital stay, which is the consequence of an unfortunate accident, which took place during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against unfortunate accident.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same unfortunate accident, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of an unfortunate accident entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 3rd to the 10th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 3rd to the 10th day of hospital stay, related to disease, which was diagnosed during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against disease.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same disease, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of a disease entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

hospitalisation as a result of illness (from the 11th to the 60th day of stay)

The company pays benefit for each additional hospital stay day (including OIOM/OIT*), starting from the 11th day of hospital stay, related to disease, which was diagnosed during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against disease.

In case of further, sequential hospital stay related to the same disease, hospital benefit starts with the first day of hospital stay. Benefit from hospital stay as a result of a disease entitles up to a maximum of 60 day hospital stay.

*OIOM/OIT – (intensive care unit), separated in hospital unit equipped with specialized equipment for continuous monitoring and support of vital functions in situation of direct threat of life and requiring intensive medical assistance, lasting continuously for at least 48 hours.


Serious illness of the Insured Person (list of 12 conditions): 

Serious illness of the Insured Person (list of 12 conditions)

The company pays benefit provided the Insured developed and was diagnosed with a severe disease during the term of insurance coverage or during the previous term of insurance coverage insofar as the Insured – directly before concluding an insurance agreement with InterRisk – was insured by InterRisk against severe diseases in terms of 12 conditions presented in table.


  1. malignant neoplasm,

    malignant neoplasm

    malignant neoplasm – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: C00-C97, except for non-invasive neoplasms (carcinoma in situ).

  2. paralysis,


    paralysis – complete, irreversible loss of motor function of at least two limbs; disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G81 – G.83.0.

  3. kidney failure,

    kidney failure

    kidney failure – disease diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: N17-N18.9.

  4. major organ transplantation,

    major organ transplantation

    major organ transplantation – undergoing a procedure of the transplantation of heart, heart and lungs, liver or its part, kidney or bone marrow as a recipient.

  5. poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease),

    poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease)

    poliomyelitis (Heine-Medin disease) – poliovirus-induced infection resulting in paralysis of respiratory muscles or limb muscles or in affecting a respiratory centre in the brainstem with permanent consequence of intensified paresis or paralysis. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in children’s diseases or infectious diseases.

  6. speech loss,

    speech loss

    speech loss – total and irreversible loss of the ability to speak diagnosed by a specialist, which entails inability to articulate intelligible words or intelligible speech and lasts continuously for at least 6 months.

  7. hearing loss,

    hearing loss

    hearing loss – total and irreversible loss of hearing of all sounds as a result of a disease or an unfortunate accident, diagnosed by a laryngologist. Medical documentation must be confirmed with a proper consultation of a specialist in laryngology.

  8. vision loss,

    vision loss

    vision loss – total, permanent and irreversible loss of vision in both eyes (VO=0, with no sensation of light or with sensation of light without location) diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, which is a result of a disease or an unfortunate accident, provided that the permanence of the disease is determined at least 6 months from the date of its occurrence.

  9. aplastic anaemia,

    aplastic anaemia

    aplastic anaemia – bone marrow failure diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: D60-D61.

  10. multiple sclerosis,

    multiple sclerosis

    multiple sclerosis – disease characterised by demyelination of nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord, diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G35.

  11. sepsis,


    sepsis – systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) induced by infection, diagnosed by a specialist.

  12. meningitis.


    meningitis – diagnosed by a specialist and qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems ICD-10 under code: G00-G03.

2 000
Diagnosis of a congenital heart defect in the Insured Person

Diagnosis of a congenital heart defect in the Insured Person

congenital heart defect – anatomical irregularity qualified in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health problems ICD-10 as congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (ICD code: Q00-Q99).

The company pays benefit provided that congenital heart defect was diagnosed in the term of insurance coverage.

Reimbursement of the costs of treatment as a result of an accident
(on the basis of invoices provided)

Zwrot kosztów leczenia poniesionych w wyniku nieszczęśliwego wypadku

– Treatment costs – costs incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland, indispensable from a medical point of view and documented for:

  1. medical visits,
  2. outpatient procedures,
  3. examinations ordered by the physician conducting treatment,
  4. hospital stay,
  5. surgeries, except for plastic surgeries,
  6. purchase of wound dressings prescribed by a physician,
  7. purchase of drugs.

The company reimburses documented costs provided that the costs:

  1. resulted from an unfortunate accident which occurred during the term of insurance coverage,
  2. were incurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland during the term of insurance coverage.


Reimbursement of the costs of rehabilitation – specialist treatment and procedures ordered by a medical practitioner and performed by persons authorised to provide such services, i.e. kinesiotherapy, physical therapy, medical massage, aimed at treating or reducing organ dysfunction, and at restoring full or possible physical fitness lost as a result of an accident (on the basis of invoices provided).

Reimbursement of the costs of rehabilitation

rehabilitation – procedures ordered by the physician conducting specialist treatment, which are provided by persons qualified for the performance of those, implemented with the method of kinesiotherapy, physical therapy or therapeutic massage and which aim to treat or reduce dysfunctions of organs to recover full or the best possible physical fitness lost as a result of an unfortunate accident.
up to 1,000
Reimbursement of the costs of purchase of medicines after at least 3 days of hospitalisation
(on the basis of invoices provided)

Reimbursement of the costs of purchase of medicines

The company reimburses documented purchase costs of drugs prescribed by a physician as a result of an unfortunate accident in the amount of up to PLN 100.00 provided that:

  1. the Insured stayed in hospital at least three days in a row as a result of the unfortunate accident,
  2. drugs were prescribed by the physician in the discharge summary.

up to 100
ASSISTANCE — insurance sum PLN 5,000

ASSISTANCE — insurance sum PLN 5,000

InterRisk covers costs of assistance services in the amount of up to PLN 5,000. Assistance services include only those events which occurred in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Tutoring – if the insured child sustained an accident included in the insurance cover, as a result of which the child cannot participate in classes for a continuous period of at least 7 days, documented by a medical certificate, the Insurer through the Assistance Centre, shall organise and cover the cost of tutoring in the subjects chosen by the Child from the school’s curriculum, for the maximum of 10 teaching hours, for one accident

Medical assistance:

  • a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor,

    a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor

    a visit by an Assistance Centre doctor – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the travelling costs of an Assistance Centre physician and their fee for the first visit in the place of stay of the Insured.
  • arrangement of an appointment with a specialist,

    arrangement of an appointment with a specialist

    arrangement of an appointment with a specialist – if the health condition of the Insured and type of medical assistance needed require the organisation of a visit of a specialist, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise such a visit within the time specified by the Insured.
  • a visit of a nurse,

    a visit of a nurse

    a visit of a nurse – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre and upon request of an Assistance Centre physician – will organise and cover the travelling costs of a nurse and her fee for a visit in the place of stay of the Insured. InterRisk.
  • provision of medicines,

    provision of medicines

    provision of medicines – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage and as a result of which, according to the indications of an Assistance Centre physician, they require treatment, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the costs of transport of drugs prescribed by the Assistance Centre physician. The costs of the drugs will be covered by the Insured.
  • home care after hospitalisation (at least 7 days of hospitalisation),

    home care after hospitalisation

    home care after hospitalisation – if the Insured suffered an unfortunate accident as a result of which they stayed in hospital for at least 7 days, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre and upon request of the physician conducting treatment – will organise and cover the costs of home care after hospital stay, which cannot exceed 96 hours in total, up to the amount of the insured sum.
    The service of home care involves:

    1. doing basic grocery and home-appliance shopping – costs of shopping done upon the request of the Insured are covered by the Insured,
    2. preparation of meals – with products, means and equipment provided by the Insured,
    3. aid in keeping home clean: cleaning floors, carpets and floorings, wiping dust off, taking out rubbish, doing the dishes, cleaning working surface in the kitchen (tops, hotplate and the sink), cleaning the bathroom; watering plants at home and in the garden – with agents and equipment provided by the Insured.

  • medical transport,

    medical transport

    medical transport – if the Insured has suffered an unfortunate accident that is subject to insurance coverage, InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will organise and cover the costs of transporting the Insured from their place of stay to a health care unit.
  • medical helpline

    medical helpline

    medical helpline – InterRisk – by the agency of Assistance Centre – will guarantee the Insured the possibility to consult an Assistance Centre physician, who will provide the Insured with oral information on further management. The information provided by the Assistance Centre physician are not diagnostic in nature. Moreover, the Insured will acquire the following by the agency of Assistance Centre:

    1. medical information on a given disease, employed treatment and modern treatments in the area of the effective Polish provisions of the law,
    2. information on follow-up examinations for age groups with increased risk of developing a disease,
    3. information on drugs (use, counterparts, side effects, interactions with other drugs, possibility to administer in pregnancy and lactation) in the area of the effective Polish provisions of the law.

+ Information about offer


Name and Surname*

Email address*





Majkowski Brokers Sp. zo.o.
Os. 800-lecia Starogardu 14/5
83-200 Starogard Gdański


Dorota Majkowska
mobile: 697 333 962
phone: 58 56 201 72

Natalia Gerigk
mobile: 531 370 300
phone: 58 56 201 22

+ Application form



  • Download application form: HERE

  • Fill in and print application form

  • Signed form assemble in the Human Resources Department


Dorota Majkowska
mobile: 697 333 962
phone: 58 56 201 72

Natalia Gerigk
mobile: 531 370 300
phone: 58 56 201 22
